- The official language of the conference is English. Abstracts should be submitted in English.
- The title of the abstract must reflect the work.
- The full names, titles, institutions, and e-mail addresses of all authors must be clearly stated. Contact information of the presenting author (i.e., mailing addresses and telephone) must be added.
- Abstracts must not exceed one A4-page.
- At least one of the authors named in the abstract must register for the conference. Only abstracts that are submitted by the authors who have registered for the conference will be included in the program.
- Each presenter author is allowed to present a maximum of two abstracts. There is no limit to number of abstracts per person.
- Each abstract will undergo a peer review process. Based on the submitted abstract, the reviewer(s) will decide if the abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation.
- The name of the presenter must be included in the document name.
Please use the abstract template.